Monday, 29. September 2008
Problem in VB MOd operator for Double data type
iprashant, 19:44h
Recently while i was learning to use VB for Microsoft Excel, i was stuck in an strange problem while using the Mod operator. The operation thew Overflow Error whenever i tried to perform the Mod operation on a double. After googling the problem, i found it was a common problem and it took me no time to get to the solution.
I got the error when on following statement:49773387027# Mod 221
The Mod is an integer operation, whereas Double is a floating point number. The Mod operation will throw "Overflow Error" if either operand is larger than 231 - 1.
So i created my own function as shown below:Private Function findMod(number As Double, divisor As Double) As Double Dim temp1 As Double Dim temp2 As Double Dim result As Double temp1 = Fix(number / divisor) temp2 = temp1 * divisor result = number - temp2 findMod = result End FunctionThis worked perfectly for me.
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